Student Data

As part of Ontario’s Equity Action Plan (2017) and PPM 145: Progressive discipline and promoting positive student behaviour, school boards are required to regularly collect information to promote equitable, safe, and accepting learning environments in Ontario schools and meet their responsibilities to protect and advance human rights under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Reliable data supports effective decision-making and helps boards to be responsive and accountable to the families, students, and staff in their school communities and to the wider communities they serve.

Below is a description and the purpose of two surveys Trillium Lakelands District School Board is conducting in the 2023-2024 school year.

Student Census

The 2024 Student Census will be taking place from February 26 to March 8, and will collect quantitative identity-based demographic data about race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation (Grades 7-12 only), ability, and socio-economic status in short, voluntary, confidential, but not anonymous, age-appropriate questionnaires.

Who is this for?

  • The Kindergarten to Grade 6 survey will be completed with the student by parents/guardians
  • The Grade 7 to 12 survey will be completed by students in class

More information, including the previous 2022 Student Census Report, visit the Student Census page.

Climate Survey

The 2024 Climate Survey will be taking place during the week of May 6 to 10, and will collect qualitative information about how our students feel about engagement, mental health, school safety, and inclusivity through a voluntary, age-appropriate, confidential, and anonymous questionnaire.

Who is this for?

  • Two surveys, one for Grades 4-8, and another for Grades 9-12
  • Completed by students in class

More information, visit the Climate Survey page.

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Transportation info

February 18 inclement weather day – Zones 4 and 5

Due to drifting snow and poor road conditions, transportation to schools is not operating in Zones 4 and 5 today, Tuesday, February 18. Schools remain open and learning opportunities will continue for students who are able to safely attend in person.

Parents/guardians are responsible for transportation of their student(s) to and from school on inclement weather days. Drop-off and pick-up must occur in alignment with the regular school day start and end times.

Visit our Transportation Information page for school zone information.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school.