Safe and Accepting Schools

TLDSB bullying prevention

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) is committed to the development of positive school environments to ensure students and staff feel happy, comfortable, welcome, and safe.

Children and youth don’t have to be friends with everyone, but everyone has the right to be safe and treated with respect. Bullying adversely affects students’ well-being, ability to learn, and healthy relationships. At TLDSB, we are committed to the safety and well-being of students, staff, and all members of the school community, and ensuring programs are in place to educate the school community about bullying and responding to incidents of bullying appropriately.

What is bullying?

Bullying is a relationship problem in which a person or group repeatedly uses power to cause distress to another. Bullying can be verbal, physical or electronic. Sometimes it focuses on racial, ethnic or religious differences, sexual issues or disabilities.

How do we prevent bullying?

Since bullying is a relationship problem, it requires a relationship solution. Every school has a Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan as part of their School Success Plan. To view a copy of your school’s plan, please contact the principal.

This plan includes:

  • Bullying prevention and intervention goals
  • Prevention and intervention strategies
  • Training strategies for all members of the school community
  • Measures for monitoring and review

You can find more Safe and Accepting School information on the Parent Resources page.

Safe Schools Reporting Tool

Whenever a student feels like they are in a difficult situation, they should tell an adult in their school, their parent/guardian, a friend, or report the incident using the online reporting tool. It is important for the student to tell someone so that school personnel can take steps to assist all individuals involved to repair the harm and restore a safe environment.

For more information, visit TLDSB’s Bullying Prevention and Intervention Procedure.

Anti-Sex Trafficking

TLDSB is committed to promoting student safety by building a culture of caring and taking meaningful, culturally responsive and consistent action to prevent and respond to issues of student safety. We will work to protect students with specific attention and focus on vulnerable, at-risk and marginalized students by empowering school communities to play a key role in fighting sex trafficking and keeping children and youth safe from sexual exploitation. To learn more, see the Anti-Sex Trafficking Protocol Procedure.


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