Parkview Public School Boundary Review

A review of the catchment area for Parkview Public School is currently taking place.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) established school catchment areas within specific boundaries to help balance school enrolment and capacity, minimize transportation, and maximize walk zones. In TLDSB schools, we aim to provide our students with the best possible educational experience. This review will help us ensure we are able to continue supporting high-quality educational programming, student achievement and well-being.

The review may impact the following TLDSB schools:

  • Alexandra Public School
  • Central Senior School
  • Fenelon Township Public School
  • King Albert Public School
  • Leslie Frost Public School
  • Mariposa Elementary School
  • Parkview Public School
  • Queen Victoria Public School

Update: At the January 23, Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) Public Meeting of the Board, recommendations on the boundary review were presented and approved by the Board of Trustees. As a result, the changes that will take effect September 2024 include:

1. A transition to a Kindergarten to Grade 8 model for Alexandra Public School, King Albert Public School, Leslie Frost Public School (English students), Parkview Public School, and Queen Victoria Public School:

Beginning in September 2024, students at each of the above named schools who are currently in Grade 6 for the 2023-2024 school year will remain at their current school and move into Grade 7 for the 2024-2025 school year. They will then stay at the same school for their Grade 8 year, starting in September 2025.

Students who are currently in Grade 7 at Central Senior School will remain at Central Senior School for their Grade 8 year in 2024-2025. Grade 7 and 8 French Immersion programming will also continue at Central Senior School.

2. Establishment of a new school catchment boundary in anticipation of new housing developments east of the Lindsay Municipal Airport, with interim holding schools in place at Mariposa Elementary School and Fenelon Township Public School. The students within the newly defined catchment boundary will attend the holding schools until such a time that a new school is opened.

3. School catchment boundary changes for Alexandra Public School, Fenelon Township Public School, King Albert Public School, Leslie Frost Public School, Mariposa Elementary School, and Parkview Public School. See the revised interactive boundary maps on the Boundary Review page at

The following considerations have been taken into account for legacy attendance circumstances:

  • Students currently residing within the Ken Rei Road area and the area west of Angeline Street North may complete their schooling at Parkview Public School should they choose to. All new students within these areas will attend the new home school catchment boundary school or holding school.
  • Legacy attendance at Parkview Public School will not be considered for students residing within the new proposed boundary for Alexandra Public School.
  • Legacy attendance at Leslie Frost Public School (English stream) will not be considered for students residing within the new proposed boundary for King Albert Public School.

Exceptional circumstances outside of those noted above can be appealed through the principal to the regional superintendent’s office.

4. There is no change to the current school catchment boundary for Queen Victoria Public School.

In addition to the boundary changes, the Board of Trustees approved the following:

  • TLDSB staff will proceed with the development of a comprehensive business plan for the construction of a new school for submission to the Ministry of Education.
  • A program review will be conducted in the 2024-2025 school year of the French Immersion grade configuration at Leslie Frost Public School and Central Senior School.
  • A special education program review will be conducted this spring for the City of Kawartha Lakes region, examining classroom space and locations of the programs.

Update: At the June 13, 2023, Regular Meeting of the Board, Superintendent of Business Services, Tim Ellis, provided an update on recent boundary and capacity reviews taking place throughout the Board. After conducting more research with the City of Kawartha Lakes personnel, it became evident to Board staff that more dwellings will be established than what was previously considered. For the Parkview Public School boundary review, a recommendation was put forward to postpone the date in which options for consideration are provided until a meeting in the fall of 2023. This motion was approved by the trustees.

In the fall of 2023, families of Parkview Public School as well as surrounding schools will be invited to a community consultation meeting. Following this meeting, options will be taken to the TLDSB Board of Trustees for approval.

Once the review is complete, the families within the group of schools affected will receive the details in a communication from the school. Any changes will take effect September 2024.

Concerns addressed

The following six concerns were the most common in the feedback TLDSB received from parents/guardians and community members. Please read how TLDSB is addressing these concerns.

It is understood that change such as transferring to a new school can be a stressor for students and families, as well as staff. The principals of the new schools and mental health counsellors will create a welcome plan for the incoming students to support transitions.

Any staffing changes will be supported by the Human Resources Services team in accordance with our collective agreements. Staff have access to the Board’s Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP), which provides confidential support for staff and their families.

The proposed boundary changes would affect a number of students currently enrolled who would require a transfer to a different school within the Board. Staff understand that this may result in transportation and child care concerns for these students. As such, the following legacy attendance and family reunification circumstances have been considered:

  •  Students currently residing within the Ken Rei Road area and the area west of Angeline Street North may complete their schooling at Parkview Public School should they choose to. New students within these areas will attend their new home school catchment boundary school.
  • Legacy attendance at Parkview Public School will not be considered for students residing within the new proposed boundary for Alexandra Public School.
  • Legacy attendance at Leslie Frost Public School (English stream) will not be considered for students residing within the new proposed boundary for King Albert Public School.

Exceptional circumstances outside of those noted above can be appealed through the regional superintendent’s office.

TLDSB Facilities Services will manage capital funding to prioritize facility and service considerations at each of the schools affected by this boundary review to ensure they are able to accommodate expanding enrolment. Capital projects may include, but are not limited to:

  • Septic and well services
  • Parking lot upgrades
  • Classroom modifications
  • Accessibility
  • Outdoor play spaces

Facilities Services has confirmed that the services provided at Fenelon Township Public School can accommodate up to 450 students as presently configured and can be easily modified to accommodate 600 students.

Additionally, where appropriate and based on available space, portables may be added to meet the capacity needs of each school.

Additions to one or more of the affected schools may become a future option if the student enrolment yield fails to materialize. However, additions can only be done upon approval from the Ministry of Education, which would still require the Board to use existing spaces first.

While the development of a new school is an ideal solution to the growing population in the area, the Ministry of Education first requires that all current area schools exceed capacity at 130 percent. The proposed boundary changes would see an increase in capacity in the central-area schools that are currently under capacity, allowing the Board to submit a business plan to the Ministry for the development of a new school in order to meet the growing demand created by the new housing developments.

Staff will continue to work with providers to identify opportunities to provide additional child care spaces. Schools with low enrolment are often challenged to provide enough clients for prospective child care providers. As the Board takes steps to increase enrolments at schools, opportunities for childcare providers will become more attractive. There is a child care provider who operates a van service to consolidate the needs in limited locations. This service may also come available at schools with historically low enrolments.

One of the goals of this boundary review is to maintain walking distance for in-town schools and minimize additional transportation routes and subsequent costs.



Community consultation

A community consultation meeting was held on November 30, in the Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute (LCVI) cafeteria.

Maps taken to the community consultation meeting

Consideration 1:

This idea takes the boundary of Alexandra Public School north to Orchard Park Road and along Sanderling Crescent/Albert Street North. This boundary is also extended west to Highway 35.

Consideration 2:

This idea takes the the Alexandra Public School boundary to Eglington Street on the north side and along Albert Street North. This boundary is also extended west to Highway 35.

Consideration 3:

This idea takes the the Alexandra Public School boundary to Pottinger Street on the north side and along Albert Street North. This boundary is also extended west to Highway 35.

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