Secondary EQAO

Education, Quality, and Accountability Office (EQAO) assessments, along with classroom assessments, can help ensure that your child is on the right track.

EQAO assessments:

Grade 9 assessment of Mathematics (first-semester students)

For detailed information on EQAO, as well as Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) results, please visit the EQAO website. The Grade 9 assessment of Mathematics provides individual and system data on students’ knowledge and skills, based on the expectations for students in Grade 9 applied and academic programs in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Mathematics. All students in these programs are required to participate in the assessment.


Wednesday, January 8, to Friday, January 31, 2025, with individual student results reported after each student completes the assessment.

Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics (second-semester and full-year students)

The Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics provides individual and system data on student knowledge and skills, based on expectations in Grade 9 applied and academic programs in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Mathematics. All students in these programs are required to participate in the assessment.


Wednesday, May 28, to Wednesday, June 25, 2025, with individual student results reported after each student completes the assessment.

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test

The purpose of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT), typically taken during the Grade 10 year, is to ensure students have acquired the essential reading and writing skills that apply to all subject areas in the provincial curriculum up to the end of Grade 9. All students who are working toward an Ontario Secondary School Diploma are required to write the OSSLT in Grade 10. Students who have been unsuccessful on the OSSLT may be eligible to fulfill the requirement through the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC). Successful completion of the OSSLT or OSSLC is a graduation requirement.


Fall 2024 – Tuesday, November 5, to Tuesday, December 3, with individual student results reported by end of January 2025.

Spring 2025 – Tuesday, March 18, to Tuesday, April 15, 2025, with individual student results reported by mid-June 2025.

Facts for parents/guardians and students

Visit the OSSLT FAQ for parents page to help you prepare for the OSSLT.

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