Adult & Alternate Education

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) encourages lifetime learning for all ages. Students ages 16 and over can earn credits or upgrade skills in any of our six Adult and Alternative Education Centres (AAEC). Visit the Adult and Alternate Education Centre website.

AAEC logo


Bracebridge Adult and Alternative Education Centre

Location: Bracebridge and Muskoka Lakes Secondary School
Address: 100 Clearbrook Trail, Bracebridge
Phone: 705-645-2646

Fenelon Adult and Alternate Education Centre

Location: Fenelon Falls Secondary School
66 Lindsay Street, P.O. Box 460, Fenelon Falls
Phone: 705-887-3083

Gravenhurst Adult and Alternative Education Centre

Location: Gravenhurst High School
325 Mary Street South, Gravenhurst
Phone: 705-687-5422

Haliburton Adult and Alternative Education Centre

Address: 1018 Grass Lake Road, P.O. Box 1199, Haliburton
Phone: 705-457-3745

Huntsville Adult and Alternative Education Centre

Location: Huntsville High School
58 Brunel Road, Huntsville
Phone: 705-789-4764

Lindsay Adult and Alternative Education Centre

Address: 230 Angeline Street South, Lindsay
Phone: 705-324-5280

I want to earn my high school diploma but the task seems too daunting!

You could be closer to graduation than you think! You could need as few as four credits to graduate with your high school diploma if you are at least 18 years old, have been out of school for at least one year, and started secondary school in Ontario prior to 1999.

For more information, please call 705-324-5280 or email [email protected].

How do I register for an alternate education program?

Please contact the AAEC closest to you (see list above) for more information regarding upgrading your current education, earning your high school diploma, and/or gaining valuable employment skills, training, and qualifications.

What programs are offered?

  • Day school
  • Night school co-op
  • Summer school co-op
  • Online courses
  • Maturity credits
  • Literacy basic skills (Lindsay Centre only)
  • Co-operative education
  • PLAR credits
  • Dual credits
  • School within a college (SWAC)
  • Personal support worker (Lindsay Centre only)

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