English as a Second Language

Registration process

How to get started

How does a newcomer register a child in Grades 1-8

  • Parents and children go to their home school to be registered.
  • French Immersion is available to English Language Learners should you choose this pathway for your child. (Be sure to register at your local French Immersion school)
  • The school registers their child(ren) and processes information.
  • The school makes an appointment for the family with the Second Languages Consultant.
  • Children can begin attending school as soon as they are registered.
  • Child(ren) and parent(s)/guardian(s) attend the initial assessment that will take place at their school with required documentation.

Documents that may be needed at the initial assessment or registration

  • Birth Certificate
  • Passport
  • Immigration Documents
  • Permanent Resident Card or Canadian Citizenship Card
  • Proof of Address and Telephone Number
  • School documents (report cards, transcripts), if available.

Who needs to be assessed?

  • Students who are new to Canada, entering the Ontario school system for the first time and whose first language is not English.
  • Grades 1 – 8 students who are re-entering the Ontario school system after an absence of two or more years and whose first language is not English
  • Grades 9 – 12 students who are re-entering the Ontario school system after an absence of one term and whose first language is not English.
  • Any students from a French-language school in Canada.
  • All students who attended schools where English was not the language of instruction.

An ESL assessment

  • Gathers information regarding educational history and background
  • Assesses students to determine proficiency in Mathematics, English and first language.
  • Identifies the appropriate level of language and literacy acquisition.
  • Informs teachers of program adaptations and instructional strategies.
  • Provides information on programs available within the school board and the type of support to be provided.

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