PA&LS Learn @ Home secondary class complete WHMIS training

On April 28 and 29, Practical Academics and Life Skills’ (PA&LS) Learn @ Home secondary class, Exploring the World of Work, participated in a meaningful learning experience and walked away with certification in workplace safety.

Delivered by Safe-Tech Training, the class completed the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Training certification with a highly accredited industrial safety provider that services clients all over Ontario. 

Students learned about safety in the workplace and gained an understanding of worker rights and responsibilities, the hierarchy of control to stay safe at work, the classes of hazards, as well as safety data sheets and the components of safety information sheets.

“It was a pleasure to see our PA&LS students participate in a meaningful learning experience and walk away with certification in workplace safety,” said Learn@Home teacher, Candice Cardoza.

Safe-Tech provides industrial safety courses, such as forklift, overhead-crane, working at heights, and WHMIS. The organization provides the opportunity to teach about vital workplace safety through their virtual option to suit the needs of online students.

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