Media release: Two new faces as chair and vice-chair of the Board

MUSKOKA, ON – On December 5, Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) held the Annual Organizational Meeting of the Board, where elections for chair and vice-chair of the Board were held. Trustee, Colleen Wilcox, was successful in the election of chair of the Board, and Trustee, Esther Childs, was elected as vice-chair of the Board. Trustee, Bruce Reain, now holds the position of past chair.

Colleen Wilcox Photo

Wilcox has been a trustee for the City of Kawartha Lakes (CKL) Ward 7 for the past eight years. Ward 7 includes Jack Callaghan Public School, King Albert Public School, Leslie Frost Public School, I.E. Weldon Secondary School, the Lindsay Adult and Alternate Education Centre (AAEC), and the Virtual Learning Centre. Enjoying her role as trustee, Wilcox explains, “It’s never static. It’s interesting to hear all different perspectives on the Board.” Although it may be a challenging role, Wilcox looks forward to the work as chair, especially working with her trustee colleagues and senior administration in TLDSB. “Over the last eight years, I’ve observed, participated, and learned about the importance of the role of trustee in a community. In the last two years, I’ve become more involved and have had many wonderful mentors – all of which has prepared me for the role of chair.”

Wilcox loves to read, golf, and entertain family and friends. A jack of all trades, Wilcox officiates at weddings and works part-time in her husband’s architectural firm.

Esther Childs Photo

Childs has been with the Board since 2022, and represents the Town of Bracebridge, which includes Monck Public School, Macaulay Public School, Muskoka Falls Public School, Bracebridge Public School, Bracebridge and Muskoka Lakes Secondary School, and the Bracebridge AAEC.

“I am grateful for the ongoing opportunities to serve the students and their families as vice-chair of the Board,” exclaimed Childs.

Prior to becoming a trustee, Childs had been an educator in TLDSB since 1999, holding various positions from Kindergarten to specialized education classes. Childs has a strong passion for equity, inclusion, wellness, and achievement.

Congratulations to Wilcox and Childs for their success in the roles of chair and vice-chair of the TLDSB Board of Trustees. For more information on TLDSB trustees, visit the Meet Your Trustee page on the Board’s website.

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February 18 inclement weather day – Zones 4 and 5

Due to drifting snow and poor road conditions, transportation to schools is not operating in Zones 4 and 5 today, Tuesday, February 18. Schools remain open and learning opportunities will continue for students who are able to safely attend in person.

Parents/guardians are responsible for transportation of their student(s) to and from school on inclement weather days. Drop-off and pick-up must occur in alignment with the regular school day start and end times.

Visit our Transportation Information page for school zone information.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school.