Fall 2023 parent/guardian survey results

Dear TLDSB families,

It is with much gratitude that I share the results of the parent/guardian survey that was conducted in October. There were a total of 3,896 responses, which is more than double the number of respondents we received last year. Your contributions provide insights that help guide the decision making in Trillium Lakeland District School Board (TLDSB), and help us better understand the needs of students and families.

The survey asked three questions, with one of them being an open-ended question to provide feedback/suggestions. Here are the results:

  • Respondents indicated a high level of satisfaction with how the beginning of the school year has gone for their child(ren). See figure 1.
  • Most respondents agree that their child(ren)’s learning in the previous grade has prepared them to succeed this school year. See figure 2.
  • 1,625 respondents provided suggestions on the actions TLDSB could consider to further support families in having the best possible school year.
    – Specifically, a great number of respondents indicated that they’d like more information on the mental health services available in TLDSB to support their child(ren)’s well-being and in response, TLDSB will be sharing more information on mental health services in the new year.

We are reviewing the themes that arose from the suggestions and will find ways to address as many of them as we can. Once again, thank you to all those who completed the fall survey as your responses will make an impact.


Wes Hahn
Director of Education
Trillium Lakelands District School Board


Figure 1
Responses to Question 1: On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = poor and 5 = excellent, please let us know how you feel the beginning of the school year has been for your child(ren) and your family.

Figure 1.

Figure 2
Responses to Question 2: Thinking about your child’s return to school this year, please select one response for the following statements.

Figure 2

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