Parent Engagement Tips March 2021

Engaging parents as partners in education. Parent tip sheet, March 2021

Mental fitness

Feed all Four reminds us that in order to encourage positive mental fitness, we need to think about how we build healthy bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits. When you plan your day, include some Feed all Four activities. Here are some activities to get you and your family started:

  • Read often – this will help exercise your brain and improve your mental fitness.
  • Walk often – exercise delivers oxygen to your brain, which helps improve your memory, reasoning abilities, and reaction times.
  • Check up often – manage your physical health by seeing your doctor and dentist on a regular basis.
  • Relax often – too much stress builds cortisol, which can be harmful to the brain.
  • Engage often – having a supportive network of friends and family helps build mental fitness.

For more Feed All Four activities, visit the TLDSB Feed All Four website.

Stay strong with good eating habits

Help your kids stay healthy and better able to fight off infections with these healthy eating tips:

  • Provide regular times to eat and snack. Even though your daily routine has changed, set regular times to eat and stick to them! Only drink water in between these times. 
  • Let your kids decide how little or how much to eat. Offer a variety of healthy options during planned meal and snack times and trust your kids to know how much their body needs to be satisfied. 
  • Eliminate distractions during eating times. Make meal and snack times free of electronics, screens, and cell phones.   
  • Plan healthy meals and snacks together as a family. Write down enough meal and snack ideas for a week or two at a time. This will help shorten your time at the grocery store and make online shopping easier. It will also reduce multiple trips to the store.  

For more information visit Health Canada and


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