Parent Engagement Tips December 2021

Engaging Parents as Partners in Education Parent Tip Sheet December 2021

Preventing scalds and burns

To help prevent dangerous situations in the home that could lead to scalds and burns, read the following tips:

  • Have a “kid-free zone” of at least 1 metre around the stove.
  • Turn pot handles away from the stove’s edge.
  • Before placing a child in a bathtub, test the water the water should feel warm, not hot. 
  • Teach children to stay away from hot things because they burn; help them identify things that can be hot and things that are cool. 
  • Keep matches, lighters, and other heat sources away from children. Teach young children to tell a grown-up if they find these items and to never touch them.  
  • If a child gets a burn, treat it right away by running it under cool water for 3 to 5 minutes and seek medical attention for serious burns.

Visit to help children learn more about fire safety through games and activities. A parent/guardian page for more helpful information is also provided.

Road safety

With the onset of winter weather, give yourself extra travel time to get to and from where you need to go. Be sure to leave extra distance between yourself and other vehicles, and drive according to the road conditions. Don’t forget, passing snow ploughs is not recommended — be patient and give them space to clear our roads, making them safe for all of us. 

It’s always a good idea to keep an emergency roadside safety kit in your vehicle — blankets to keep warm, a phone charger, and a collapsible shovel. It is also recommended to keep your gas tank at least half full to help prevent moisture from condensation, and in case you get stuck waiting for a tow in bad weather. 

For more information on winter driving tips and preparation, visit Ontario’s Winter Driving page.

Help your child get the benefits of sleep

A well-rested child is better able to solve problems, learn new information, and enjoy the day. Children aged 5 to13 years old need nine to 11 hours of quality sleep each night. Teenagers aged 14 to17 need eight to 10 hours. Help them get the sleep they need with these tips: 

  • Set a consistent wake-up time and bedtime (even on weekends).
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine that includes reading, taking a bath, or listening to music.
  • Set up a sleeping space that is cool, dark, and quiet.
  • Keep TVs, electronics, and cell phones out of your child’s bedroom — they interfere with natural sleep cycles.

If your child has difficulties staying asleep, talk to your healthcare provider. To learn more visit Sick Kids’ Sleep Tips page.

Movement and physical activity

The past year has looked different for everyone. There have been a number of changes to the way that we go about everyday activities, and for many of us, our use of screens and technology has been higher than ever before. While technology can be a great tool to keep us connected and occupied, it often results in extra time spent sitting and not engaging in physical activity. As parents/guardians, it is important for us to help our children get active. By encouraging our children to move, we are not only promoting healthy living, we are also supporting them to prevent and manage mental health challenges, increase memory, build problem-solving skills, and boost self-esteem. Let’s get moving! For parents/guardians of young kids, check out TVO Kids’ Power Up video.

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