Inclement weather days

Bus transportation may be cancelled during inclement weather or due to poor or deteriorating road conditions. Each geographical area of the board (City of Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton, and Muskoka) is assessed independently. The decision whether or not buses will be cancelled is made in consultation with bus operators taking into consideration existing road conditions, weather conditions as reported by Environment Canada, and any other information available at the time the decision has to be made.

The safety of our staff and students is Trillium Lakelands District School Board’s (TLDSB) top priority when it comes to all decisions to declare an inclement weather day. In order for our schools to adhere to their COVID-19 protocols and maintain cohorts, inclement weather days will look a little different this year…

This year when a bus cancellation occurs in a geographic region of the Board, schools within that region of the board will be closed to students and remote learning will be offered to all online and in school students.

Bus cancellation information can be found in the following locations:

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