Dr. George Hall Public School Grade 4 and 5 class receives grant for new books

Dr. George Hall Public School students in Megan Clements’ Grades 4 and 5 classes will be returning to a classroom full of new books to dive into this upcoming school year. 

Clements, a lifelong reader, has always encouraged a love of reading in her students. She engages students’ interactions with books through independent reading time, displaying books by their covers on a gallery wall, and having students assist in organizing books. Posted on the book display wall are lists of the most popular books, filled with names of students anticipating their turn to read them. 

Clements applied to a United States of America (USA) non-profit organization called Book Love Foundation, which provides financial support for teachers in Canada and the USA to purchase new books for their classrooms. 

Clements’ application for the Book Love Foundation was successful, receiving a grant of $1,000! She will be using the money to purchase more books exploring body image, disabilities, text in verse, identity, and 2SLGBTQIA+. To involve her students, Clements asked them to report back to her in September with a list of books they each enjoyed during the summer holidays which will be added to the order.

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